Tag Archives: eclipse plug-ins

Grep Console 3.7, Clippets 2.0 and Quick Bookmarks 1.3.1

New updates for Grep Console, Clippets and Quick Bookmarks are ready, somewhat delayed due to work and some technical problems with my update site (there might be a tutorial blog post on Tycho coming soon). Thanks for all suggestions and … Continue reading

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New Quick Bookmarks Release 1.3

Version 1.3 of Quick Bookmarks is out, providing the following new features: Shortcuts for navigation across files: In addition to the the keyboard shortcuts for navigation between bookmarks in the current file (Alt+PgUp/PgDn by default), shortcuts for navigation through all … Continue reading

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New Quick Bookmarks Release 1.2

Version 1.2 of Quick Bookmarks introduces a few new features. A third page was added to the popup dialogue listing all bookmarks from the workspaces. The selected bookmark list in the dialogue is now remembered even when restarting Eclipse. Bookmarks … Continue reading

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New Quick Bookmarks Release 1.1

Version 1.1 of Quick Bookmarks adds a popup dialogue listing the most recently used bookmarks: The dialogue is triggered via Alt+End and can be navigated with the cursor keys. Selecting a bookmark and pressing Return jumps directly to the bookmark … Continue reading

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New Eclipse Plug-in: Quick Bookmarks

For years I’ve been missing simple bookmarks in Eclipse – bookmarks that can be quickly toggled and navigated via the keyboard, like I remember them from Delphi all those years ago. Now I decided to do something against it and … Continue reading

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New Releases

Over the past weeks I’ve made several bug fixes to Grep Console and Tail Console. In the case of Clippets, I’ve added new few features. Grep Console’s popup notification implementation is now also used by Clippets and therefore has been … Continue reading

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